Facility Accessibility


Social Sciences BuildingThe University takes proactive measures to ensure that structural barriers do not limit program access. All new University buildings or facilities are built in accordance with applicable campus standards, California state building codes and ADA design standards. Where readily achievable, the University removes architectural and structural barriers in facilities that existed prior to the passage of the ADA. If such removal is not readily achievable, the University will move programs to accessible locations when the University receives advance notice that a program location is inaccessible to a program participant. The University also seeks to maintain an accessible "path of travel" between and around the public areas of campus.

Reporting A Barrier

The campus community or any visitor may contact the ADA Compliance Officer 752-9466 or compliance@ucdavis.edu to report architectural or structural barriers on campus.

Reporting Problems with Automatic Doors and Elevators

If you experience a problem with automatic doors or elevators in campus buildings, you may contact Facilities directly.


UC Davis Main Campus Map